1. What object symbolizes George Gray’s life? How is this object representative of him?
Gray’s life is symbolized by a boat with a furled sail resting in a harbor. This is similar to Gray’s life because he dreaded taking chances. He wanted to try and find meaning to life but never did anything about it. He is like a boat that wants to go out into the sea but is afraid. The boat with a furled sail is unable to leave the harbor just like Gray is unable to follow his ambitions. Gray should not have let sorrow and fears control and tournament him. This was all about how he lived his life in fear.
2. How was Lucinda Matlock’s life different than George Gray’s? How do you interpret the last line of the poem?
Matlock’s life is filled with excitement and love unlike Gray’s life. Gray was scared to go out and live life and was tormented by his ambition. Matlock lived a long and full life with her husband and children. She celebrated life but lost many of her children. She did all that she wanted to do and didn’t let the bad parts bother her. Gray never married, never had kids, and didn’t build relationships with friends. Gray regretted that he never lived but Matlock got a lot out of life because she invested more into it. In the last line of the poem, Matlock decided that it takes life in order to love Life. You need to experience the good and the bad in order to enjoy Life.
3. How are “George Gray” and “Lucinda Matlock” examples of realism?
The epitaphs are about Middle class people’s lives. They aren’t about heroic people but just about how ordinary people live and the everyday things that they did. Both of them are detailed and in depth but lacking emotion.